viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Rv: 3 publicaciones que no debes perderte en Google+ esta semana

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De: El equipo de Google+ <>
Enviado: Domingo 29 de abril de 2012 14:43
Asunto: 3 publicaciones que no debes perderte en Google+ esta semana

3 publicaciones destacadas para ti en Google+ esta semana
El equipo de   Google+
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Jardin du Luxembourg

Where are your favorite gardens?

It was a cool and rainy morning when we left our hotel in the Latin district of Paris. The rains stopped just as soon as we walked into the nearby gardens. The sun would peek out from between the clouds and splash some extra light on the flowers below.

I took a bunch of photos before the sun came out, thinking it was the best I could do. But then after the sun came out, I had to run around and re-create the exact same photos with the proper lighting...
...y 741 fotos más.
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