jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Rv: ESA/Hubble Science Release heic1512 - Hubble observes chaotic dance of Pluto’s moons

El Miércoles 3 de junio de 2015 12:05, ESA/Hubble Information Centre <hubble@eso.org> escribió:

ESA/Hubble News
ESA/Hubble heic1512: Hubble observes chaotic dance of Pluto's moons. In a new study, scientists have gathered all available NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope data on the four outer moons of Pluto to analyse the system in more depth than ever before. The observations show that at least two of Pluto's ...

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ESA/Hubble News
3 June 2015
In a new study, scientists have gathered all available NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope data on the four outer moons of Pluto to analyse the system in more depth than ever before. The observations show that at least two of Pluto's moons are not neatly rotating on their axes but are in chaotic rotation while orbiting around Pluto and its companion Charon. The study also hints that one of the moons has a mysterious jet-black colouring. These surprising results appear in the 4 June issue of the journal Nature.
The release, images and videos are available on:
Kind regards,
ESA/Hubble Information Centre
The ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
3 June 2015

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