lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Rv: Jorge Alberto Barón te ha enviado un vídeo: "Ariel plays Jeux d'eau by Ravel"

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Enviado: Sábado 4 de Mayo de 2013 13:17
Asunto: Jorge Alberto Barón te ha enviado un vídeo: "Ariel plays Jeux d'eau by Ravel"

Jorge Alberto Barón te ha enviado un vídeo: "Ariel plays Jeux d'eau by Ravel"
Jorge Alberto Barón ha compartido un vídeo contigo en YouTube.
Ariel plays Jeux d'eau by Ravel
Jeux d'eau (or Water Games) was inspired, in Ravel's words, by "the noise of water and by the musical sounds that make one hear the sprays of water, cascades, and brooks." The year is 1901 (which also saw Mahler's 4th Symphony, Debussy's "Nocturnes," and Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance"). The present performance was at the Eden-Tamir Music Center in Jerusalem.
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